Halloween traditions come from pagan Celtic ritual before 2.5 thousand. year called: All Hallow\'s Ele, the Vigil of All Saints. Celts during Samhain (falling just on 31 October) celebrated prayers for the dead to help them in the journey through the afterlife. They believed that on the night of 31 October to 1 November spirits of the dead descend to earth to visit their relatives.
The night was magical for them, especially because, according to their beliefs, the evening ended in the summer and the old year and the winter and the new year just begun to dawn. Twelve hours the night was not to be so, or to the summer or for winter, no one\'s been. And it is in these twelve hours of the night magical souls of the dead visited their loved ones. The remains of these ancient beliefs is the Halloween traditions which have withstood probably only in Ireland. There, to this day is a national holiday. Is anyone afraid of? Because I do not ... / Fig. Photo. Halina Krusche Czopowik
In today\'s Halloween is hard to find mystical elements. Halloween is mostly fun. Halloween is celebrated reverently in the UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. But above all, the United States, and it is the cause of Irish settlers who these traditions in the nineteenth century, brought there with him, settling in large numbers.
Halloween is celebrated differently in different countries, however, becoming increasingly \"Americanization\" of the sacred and the disappearance of traditional zwyczajów.Cukierek or treat?! / Fig. Photo. Halina Krusche Czopowik
In recent years, Halloween is primarily related to the masquerade custom relating to the festival of the dead. It is celebrated at night on Oct. 31, and despite the fact that it is not an official holiday, it\'s the celebration of Christmas in the United States is the most popular.
A common practice is dressing up as ghosts, ghouls, witches, vampires, devils. The terrible form, the better ... the more cool! - I\'m not afraid of anything ... even the spirit, it ustoję. So what? Trick or treat?! / Fig. Photo. Halina Krusche Czopowik
Dressed as children go from house to house neighbors and knocking on the door, shouting: - \"Trick-or-treating!\" (Called Trick or treat). Treat this is a trick that kids are doing to the owner, if he disregards it, and you can not \"payment.\" People who have children in the neighborhood, as well as, most importantly, a sense of humor, are preparing for Halloween and already stocking up on sweets ... And all the while they play very well